

如果有一个问题我们经常从学生那里听到,那就是“我如何让我的申请脱颖而出??” The truth is, t在这里’s no easy answer to that question. 确定, 学业很重要:我们希望看到你在严格的课程中挑战了自己, 但我们更关心的是,当你来到校园时,你会成为什么样的人. How will you impact our community, and how might being at Pitzer change you? 因为我们的咨询人员今年秋天不会像往常一样飞到世界各地去讨论推荐十大正规网赌网站了, we wanted to bring our application advice to you. Check out our new collection of tips and tricks, directly from the folks who read thousands of applications per year.


  • 有一种普遍的误解,认为你需要过着值得贺曼频道的生活,才能写一篇扣篮的大学论文. 不是这样的! 令人难忘的文章通常脱颖而出,要么是因为它们采用了创造性的方法,要么是因为它们包含了引人注目的内容.
    • Creative essay example: 一篇推荐十大正规网赌网站Tostito 's Hint of Lime (HOL)薯片优越性的说服性文章
    • Compelling content essay example: 从成长于男权社会到成为女权俱乐部的负责人
  • Some essay topics are just overdone. 简单明了. 这并不是说你不应该写一篇推荐十大正规网赌网站你的前交叉韧带撕裂或洪都拉斯传教之旅的文章, but please think long and hard before you do. Ask yourself: is this an essay anyone could write? If the answer is yes, you may want to reconsider.
  • 校对是一种简单的方法,可以确保你的文章不会因为错误的原因而脱颖而出. 一个错别字不会让你被拒绝,但一定要认真对待你的编辑!


  • 这一部分并不只是针对你在学校里参加的那些正式的俱乐部和组织. We want to know how you spend your time. Caring for an elderly family member? 记下来! Practicing your knitting skills? We want to hear about it! 确保你还包括你在俱乐部/组织或运动队的领导经历.
  • “活动”部分还要求你说明你每周和每年做某项活动的时间. Pay attention to this piece of it–if you add up the hours per week yourself, does it seem reasonable to the time you are actually spending? 学生们要么低估自己,要么高估自己(一周只有168个小时), so 110 hours of activities will read as ingenuine!) with this portion of the 活动 list, so make sure to look it over.
  • 有些学生会选择让他们的活动清单更轻松或更少的描述性, and then include a more detailed resume. For Pitzer and many other colleges, this is not recommended! Since a resume is not required, it is not guaranteed to be reviewed. Only the 活动 list of the Common App is guaranteed to get a good, hard look from admission readers, 所以一定要把你的全部都写进去,而不是只看一眼的简历.


  • 今年新, 只需要一个核心科目的老师推荐就可以完成你的推荐十大正规网赌网站申请! 试着选择最了解你的老师——不仅仅是作为一个学生,也是作为一个人. 如果那位老师碰巧在高中早期教过你,那就顺其自然吧!
  • The recommendation should be written by a teacher from a core subject (math, 英语, 科学, 历史, 外国语言).
    • 如果你有其他老师或导师,你想提交推荐信, consider submitting them as supplemental recommendation letters! You can submit as many supplemental recs as you like, 然而, 请记住,我们只有有限的时间来审查你的申请,所以他们可能不会全部被审查, or be reviewed as thoroughly, 你提交的越多. One supplemental rec (or two if you really need to include it) is plenty.
  • 你上的是一所学生很多却没有辅导员的大型公立学校吗? 我们明白了. 辅导员的建议,虽然有助于完善你的申请,但完全是可选的.


  • Your transcript will play a central role in your application. We evaluate your academic achievement from all four years of high school. Although grades are an important piece of transcript review, 我们还考虑了多年来的趋势以及课程的内容和严谨性, all while keeping the context of your school’s specific curriculum in mind. For instance, what types of classes are offered at your school? How have you taken advantage of rigorous courses available to you? 每所学校的课程严格程度各不相同,评分结构和GPA计算方法也各不相同.
  • 当我们阅读申请时,我们的部分工作就是尽可能地了解你的学校,以确保我们在考虑背景的情况下评估你的成就. The School Report, sent to us by your counselor, is helpful 在这里.
  • Finally, don’t feel intimidated by our average GPA. It’s a number we have to report, 但它实际上反映了我们收到的加权和未加权gpa的总和, 所以它并不能很好地反映学生的实际学业成绩.  得了a和b就能让你进门,偶尔得个C也不是世界末日. Pitzer is a rigorous place, 我们要确保当你来到这里时,我们为你的成功做好了准备, 但我们更感兴趣的是你作为一个整体是怎样的人,而不仅仅是你的GPA.


  • Demonstrated interest tells us how much you’re interested in Pitzer. 比如信息发布会,校园参观,面试,虚拟活动,或者 emails with your regional counselor all count towards your demonstrated interest!
  • We understand that with colleges being closed to visitors, demonstrated interest may look a little different this year. However, our office is offering a wide variety of 虚拟展会 为2025届的学生准备的,每一个都是你与我们办公室接触的机会!


  • 采访: 
    • 在Pitzer,面试是完全可选的,被视为你申请的补充部分. Seeing as our office is so small, 面试不是必须的,因为我们不可能给所有4个人都提供面试机会,000名申请者. 如果你觉得在面试中与招生代表交谈对你有好处, you can sign up for one 在这里! 记住这一点,如果你觉得不舒服,也不要觉得有压力去完成面试. 面试 are evaluative, and count towards demonstrated interest, but t在这里 are many other ways that you can show your love for Pitzer.
  • Additional Information: 
    • 通用申请的附加信息部分是大多数学生倾向于忽视的重要部分. 如果您觉得有任何上下文信息对您的应用程序至关重要,但不适合其他地方, use this section to explain. 例子包括:医疗问题、学术变化、媒体露面等.
  • 简历:
    • As we mentioned in the 活动 section above, a personal resume is optional in our process, but students are welcome to submit one if they would like. We recommend keeping your resume to one page, 请记住,招生官员并不总是能够在可选材料上花费那么多时间. 必需的活动清单将永远是一个先例,是了解你的课外活动和个人参与的主要地方.
  • 投资组合:
    • 如果你有一门艺术, 音乐, 执行, or other creative portfolio you’d like to include in your application, you are welcome to share a link to a personal website, 谷歌驱动, Dropbox, or another platform in your file. 通常, 学生可以在个人网站或通用申请的附加信息部分分享这些链接. Please note that portfolios do not play an evaluative role in our process.